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Enameled Steel Plate
Enameling is one of the oldest forms of working with both glass and metal to create color and pattern on the surface of the jewelry, wall work, and sculptures. It is an invaluable industrial process to coat steel for practical uses in appliances, cookware, and signage.
In the past three years, 70% subway stations, airports, hospitals and other projects, we directly or indirectly supply the materials or OEM.
It has the features of 50 years without powder fading and 30 years zero maintenance.
The life-span for usage can be 30-50 years with decoration and protection function in the application of various projects.
For more details, please download the document
In the past three years, 70% subway stations, airports, hospitals and other projects, we directly or indirectly supply the materials or OEM.
It has the features of 50 years without powder fading and 30 years zero maintenance.
The life-span for usage can be 30-50 years with decoration and protection function in the application of various projects.
For more details, please download the document
1 products found
Enameled steel is a material with exceptional properties and has many applications in various aspects of everyday life.
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Integrated Building